Eutopian Federation

on the continent of Ur-Nena

The Eutopian Federation is the centrally governing body of city-state nations on the continent of Ur-Nena. Each country guides its individual affairs. The federation collects taxes from its member nations to fund public safety, health, and welfare, regulates domestic and foreign commerce, oversees the federal court system, and maintains the military. Most city-states have adopted the “national” religion of Al-Sim. Each city-state is run like a corptocracy. A regional governor acts as a political liaison with the Federation and represents the highest level of religious traditions and moral code. A local company maintains the private military and manages economy (i.e. trade, taxes, social programs, etc.).

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Al Simhara

is a middle-eastern city-state located deep within the Great Oasis Desert on the continent of Ur-Nena. It is a popular destination for tourists due to its sites of historical significance and inexpensive accommodations. The region is a hot-spot for religious pilgrimages, archeologists, anthropologists, and treasure hunters. Interestingly, the city-state is dual-run by a politically appointed Governor who upholds religious traditions and moral code and (loosely) enforces law and the Chief Executive Officer of the megacorporation, MorcuCorp, who maintains the private military and oversees economic trade and taxes.

  • Official Name: Governorate of Al Simhara
  • Capitol: Olde Platz, Windenburg
  • Language: Simlish (trade language), Al-hara (regional dialect), Al-kalam (continental language)
  • People: Simharans
  • Government: Corptocracy (MorcuCorp)
  • Leader of government: Regional Governor (political), CEO of MorcuCorp (economic)
  • Prominent Al Simharan families:  Goth, Morton
  • Religion:  House of Al-Sim
  • Prominent Companies: MorcuCorp


is a southern hemisphere nation on the continent of Ur-Nena. It serves as the continental headquarters of the Eutopian Federation. Harappa is one of the few nations that is not a city-state and is not run by a corptocracy. Also, the national religion is Dharma.

  • Official Name: The Republic of Harappa
  • Language: Indusian
  • People: Harappan
  • Government: Federal parliamentary monarchy
  • Leader of Government: Simaraja/Simaraji (representative national leader – translates ‘high king’ or ‘high queen’)
  • Leader of the Federation: Governor General (elected leader of the federation)
  • Religion: Dharma (and some regions of House of Al-Sim, Honorism, and Great Philosophies)

Luxor Beta

is a middle eastern city-state on the edge of the Great Oasis Desert. The city-state (formerly called Luxor, now referred to as Luxor Alpha) was rebuilt after a devastating earthquake and fire ripped through the region. The region is well-known for its advanced technology and contributions to space programs, as well as an entertainment industry with world-class nightclubs and resorts. It is commonly acknowledged that there are vast disparities between the wealthy (often foreign-born) class and the lower class citizens (the poor) who live on the edges of the city.

  • Official Name: Republic of Luxor Beta
  • Language: Al-kalam (continental language), Al-lux (regional dialect)
  • People: Luxort
  • Descriptor: Luxorian, Luxorite
  • Government: Unitary Semi-Presidential Republic (under authoritarian regime)
  • Leader of Government: Grand Marshal, CEO of Oblivion
  • Religion: House of Al-Sim
  • Prominent Companies: Oblivion Nightclubs